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Extended Essay - Criteria: Appendices (Optional)

Appendices are optional

Extended essays DO NOT need to contain appendices. If you choose to include appendices, place them a the end of your paper after the bibliography or "work sited" section.

Include the headings for the appendices and page numbers in your Table of Contents.

When to include an appendix

Examiners will not read or use any information contained in the appendices to assess the extended essay. All information that is directly relevant to your analysis and discussion should be included in the main body of your essay. 

In general, avoid using appendices.

Appendices may be appropriate in these circumstances:

  • an example of a questionnaire or interview questions

  • an exemplar of permission letters

  • raw data or statistical tables for experimental sciences (do not include any any analysis or conclusions).

You should avoid continually referencing the appendices. Examiners are not expected to refer to them, and it could interrupt the flow of the essay as they mark your work.